Drum playing to move to

We’ve now got some great downloads of ethnic drum rhythms from around the world that we are using to add variety to and extent the range of the music we use every Monday at 12:30.

This drumming is lovely to move to. We’re gradually improving the kind of music we use almost every week so that our sessions are very satisfying.

Another great workout

We’re beginning to attract other people who get excited my moving spontaneously to music. We find that we move at our ownpace, the music encouraging us to dance around in a way that at we wouldn’t otherwise. In a whole hour we occasionally pause and then a new bit of instrumental music sets us of again, creating a new movement to fit the sound we are hearing.:each one of us doing our own thing! The views of Hoad and the gardens around are good to look out on – then there are all those great pictures in this lovely room. All for three pounds – incredible. Someone has suggested ‘African Drumming’ music : sound a good idea.

Moving to Music here in Ulverston now has a regular slot



Over the past month we have already had four hour long sessions at weekly intervals which have been extremely successful. We are therefore continuing every Monday in the future, starting 6th January  at 12:30  for an hour in the lovely room situated above the Ford Park Cafe called The Bistro which is opposite the Kitchen Garden. All newcomers are very welcome unannounced. Please drop in to see us. If you decide to stay, the charge is three pounds per session. We request that you are quiet when you enter during a session and talk outside the room leaving others undesturbed.